Dr. Chadchai , no te preocupes la gente que te entregara a Euro , está การแปล - Dr. Chadchai , no te preocupes la gente que te entregara a Euro , está อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Dr. Chadchai , no te preocupes la g

Dr. Chadchai , no te preocupes la gente que te entregara a Euro , están en este momento en Europa y me cuesta comunicarme con ellos . Pero puedes quedarte tranquilo que a Euro se te entregara sin inconvenientes de ningún tipo . Con su microchip , certificados de salud , todas sus vacunas , vacuna contra la Rabia y los tramites de exportación en SENASA , como también el Pedigree Internacional de Euro a tu nombre , así apenas Euro llega a tus manos , tu ya lo puedes registrar en la federación cinologica de tu País , sin ningún inconveniente . Solo espera a que me respondan todos los detalles , como las preguntas que tu me hiciste , como y donde se te entregara a Euro , que ya te digo que creo saldrá todo bien . Gracias y nos mantenemos en contacto . Dr. Chadchai , a Euro do Serfas espero que lo presente en las exposiciones de Tailandia ? , tiene todas las condiciones para competir en el Mundo entero es mi mejor cachorro . Saludos Cordiales Enrique Serfas
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
dr. chadchai, do not worry the people you give it to euro are at this time in Europe and it's hard to communicate with them. but you can rest easy that you deliver euro hassle whatsoever. with microchip, health certificates, all vaccines, rabies vaccine and senasa export formalities,as well as the euro international pedigree to your name, so just euro reaches your hands, you can already register on the FCI in your country without any problem. just wait till I meet all the details, as the questions you did to me, how and where you surrender to euro, which I will tell you that all good.Thanks and keep in touch. dr. chadchai to euro Serfas hope they do this in the exhibitions of thailand? , Has all the conditions to compete in the world is my best puppy. Serfas enrique best regards
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Dr. Chadchai , don't worry about the people who will deliver to Euro , are at this time in Europe and i have a hard time communicating with them . But you can stay calm that to Euro you're handed without drawbacks of any kind . With its microchip, health certificates, all of his vaccines, rabies vaccination and the export formalities in SENASA ,As well as the International Pedigree of Euro to your name , well just Euro reaches your hands , you already you can register in the Russian cinologica of your country, without any inconvenience . Just waiting to respond to me all the details, as the questions me , how and where you're handed to Euro , that I tell you that I think will come out all good .Thank you and we are in contact . Dr. Chadchai , Euro oj Serfas i hope that the present in the exhibitions of Thailand ? , Has all the conditions to compete in the world is my best puppy . Cordial greetings Enrique Serfas
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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