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soy un chico amoroso inteligente no

soy un chico amoroso inteligente no me gusta las mentira me gustan las chica que sea fiel intelijente y sin secretos megusta la comida china italiana la chica que sea filel a mi se ganara la gloria esperese q. nadie te baje el cielo, escalalo tú y conquistalo. no espérese q. alguien te ofrezca las estrellas porque tú eres una de esa estrella. brilla con tú luz para q. la luz de otros no te ciegues. amate, protegete y respetate: todo lo demas viene por añadidurasoy de esos que camina solo en la calle y de la nada sonríe por un buen recuerdo, no olvides que antes de hablar escucha,antes de escribir,piensa,antes de herir siente, antes de rendirte intenta y antes de morir vivemensaje: nadie sabe lo que tiene hasta que lo pierde no deje nunca al que ama por aquel que te gusta porque ese que te gusta te dejara por quien ama no sigas a un amor que te hiso sufrir que un dia se olvido y lo peor es que de ti no confies en alguien quien te dijo te lo juro que te lloro y te reemplazo sin ningun dolor recuerda quien sin pensarlo vuelve sin llamarlomensaje 2cada amanecer representa un nuevo comienzo, una nueva oportunidad para agradecer a dios por lo que tengo, para cambiar lo que reconozco q no esta bien y para luchar por las cosas que quiero...vive con estusiasmo, ama a dios y valora tu vida y veras como llegan tus bendicionesmesaje 3si aprendes de los errores de los demás, te habrás ahorrado el tiempo de cometerlos tú mismo.mensaje4no somos personas perfectas... pero somos personas únicas.los enemigos realmente no te odian, se odian a ellos mismos, porque eres el reflejo de lo que ellos quisieran fuerte para que nadie te derrote, se noble para que nadie te humille, se humilde para que nadie te ofenda y sigue siendo tu para que nadie te olvide.el q tiene fe en el siempre vencera po lo cual no tengas miedo q el camino no es duro ni facil si no como tu lo camines
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
I am a smart loving guy I do not like the lie I like the girl to be faithful without secrets intelijente megusta Italian Chinese food that is filel girl my glory was won racers q. nobody down the sky, you scale it and conquer him. Wait no q. someone offers you the stars because you are one of that star. you light shines q.the light of other not blind you. amate, protect yourself and respect yourself: everything else comes by añadidurasoy of those who walk alone in the street and out of nowhere smiles for a good memory, do not forget that before you talk listen, before you write, think, feel hurt before, before to give up trying and before dying vivemensaje:nobody knows what they have until you lose it to never leave you love for the one you like because that you like will leave you for who loves a love not follow you suffer hiso forgot one day and the worst is that of you do not trust someone who told you I promise you and I cry without any pain reminds replacement without thinking who returns without llamarlomensaje 2 Each dawn is astart,a new opportunity to thank God for what I have, to change what is not right q recognize and to fight for the things I want ... lives with enthusiasm, love God and value your life and see as far as your bendicionesmesaje 3si learn from the mistakes of others, you will have saved you commit time mismo.mensaje4no us perfect people ...but we are not really enemies únicas.los people hate you, they hate themselves because you're a reflection of what they want to be .. be strong for anyone to beat you, so no one will nobly humble you are humble to offend no one and still your so that no one will forget.the q has faith in the ever po vencera which q Fear not the path is not hard nor easy but as you walk your
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
I am a loving intelligent guy i don't like the lie i don't like the girl that is faithful and without secrets intelijente megusta chinese food Italian girl who is filel to my gaining the glory with me.not hold on q. Nobody you down the sky, escalalo your and conquistalo. do not hold on q. someone will offer you the stars because you are one of that star. it shines with your light to q.The light of others don't blind. El Amate, protect yourself and respetate: everything else comes by anadidurasoy of those who walk only on the street and nothing smiles by good memories, don't forget that before talking listening,before writing,thinks,before hurt feels, before attempting to surrender and die before vivemensaje:No one knows what you have so that you lose it never leave that loves you for who you like because the one that you like will leave you by those who love don't follow a love that taught you suffer that a day was forgotten, and the worst thing is that it does not rely on someone who told you you swore that you cried and you replacement without any pain remembers who without thinking about it again without llamarlomensaje 2each dawn represents aTop,A new opportunity to thank God for what I have to change what i recognize q is not well and to fight for the things I want to ... live with unbridled enthusiasm, he loves God and values your life and you will see as they arrive your bendicionesmesaje 3if you learn from the mistakes of others, you will have saved yourself the time to commit yourself.message4we are not perfect people ...But we are unique individuals.the enemies really don't hate them, hate them, because you are a reflection of what they wanted to strong for anyone defeat you, it is noble to humiliate anyone, be humble so that no one will offend and remains your so that no one will forget.The q has faith in the always expire po which do not be afraid q the way it is not hard nor easy if you do not walk around as you
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