Y mam rosa dice Ella va come esto y yo ya como cereal pero ellos pregu การแปล - Y mam rosa dice Ella va come esto y yo ya como cereal pero ellos pregu อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Y mam rosa dice Ella va come esto y

Y mam rosa dice Ella va come esto y yo ya como cereal pero ellos pregunta me tu come todos?
Y tres veces mama rosa dice Esto tu puede guarda en cuarto pero yo no entiendo porque segundaria paquete yo no puedo
Y ultimate paquete mama ya manda pero yo no sé yo puedo guarda en cuarto o en casa
2.cuarto no solo Bibi limpia yo limpia cuarto en todos de sabado tambien
3.un dia yo voy comprar pez con alexis y yo dice tomar taxi ya estoy bien paga dinero para el y nos llevar casa tardes
El necessita vas su colegio tiene fiesta o algo yo voy con el ,y nos tomar taxi pero yo paga para el ,ejempo yo ovida taxi paga 5 soles mas o menos pero yo paga 4o3 el 1o 2
4.audifono yo comprar de Verdad y mama saber
Yo comprar
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
And pink mam says she will eat this and I already like cereal but they ask me your eats all?
And thrice mama rosa says That you may be saved in fourth but I do not understand why secondary package I can not
and ultimate breast packet and sends but I do not know I can save on room or home
2.cuarto Bibi not only clean I clean room at all from Saturday also
3.a day I'll buy fish with alexis take a taxi and I said I'm fine and pay money for us evenings bring home
The school has its Necessita go party or something I'm going to, and we take a taxi but I paid for, I ejempo Ovida cab I paid 5 soles more or less but I paid the 1st 2 4O3
I purchased 4.audifono Truth and mom know
I buy
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Mam says she and rose and I will eat this cereal but they asked me all your eating?
and three times Mama Rosa says this can keep in your room but I don't understand why secondary package I
and ultimate package already send mom but I don't know I can keep in room or at home. 2.cuarto Bibi room not only clean I clean all of Saturday also
3.One day I'm going to buy fish with Alexis and I said take taxi right pays money to the US and take home evening
the need you have your school or something I'm going to the party, and we take taxi, but I paid for the taxi, example I forget pay 5 suns more or less but I Pay 4o3 the 4.audifono I buy 1 or 2

I know you and Mom buy
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
AND mam rosa said she will eat this and I already like cereal but they question me your eats all?
AND three times Mamma Rosa said this you can save in fourth but i don't understand because secondary package i cannot
and ultimate package already breast send but i don't know I can save in fourth or in house
2.fourth not only Bibi clean i clean fourth in all of saturday also
3.One day I will buy fish with alexis and i said take taxi i'm fine paying money for and we bring home the afternoon
(sold separately) you're your college has feast or something i am going with the ,and we taxi but i pay for the ,example i grace and duty taxi pays 5 soles more or less, but i paid 4or3 the 1or 2
4.headset i buy of truth and mama know
I buy
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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