Al menos 31 personas murieron y otras 72 resultaron heridas en la explosión de una bomba la noche del martes en la ciudad nororiental de Yola, dijo Aliyu Maikano, funcionario local de la Cruz Roja.
At least 31 people were killed and other 72 were injured in a bomb blast overnight on Tuesday in the northeastern city of Yola, said Aliyu Maikano, local official of the Red Cross.
At least 31 people were killed and 72 wounded in the explosion of a bomb Tuesday night in the northeastern city of Yola, said Aliyu Maikano, a local official of the Red Cross.
At least 31 people were killed and 72 injured in a bomb explosion on Tuesday night in the north-eastern City of Yola, Aliyu Said Maikano, official from the local Red Cross.