de Ganado de España e incluye de nuevoa la raza porcina Celta como raz การแปล - de Ganado de España e incluye de nuevoa la raza porcina Celta como raz อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

de Ganado de España e incluye de nu

de Ganado de España e incluye de nuevo
a la raza porcina Celta como raza de
protección especial en peligro de extinción.
La colectividad porcina que Sanson
describió como raza Celta (Sus
celticus), conocida también en España
como Gallega o Céltica, corresponde al
cerdo doméstico descendiente de la especie
salvaje Sus scrofa ferus y responde
en general a un morfotipo de sistema
óseo y muscular muy desarrollado,
de cabeza fuerte, larga y carnosa, con
orejas muy pendientes y anchas, de hocico
deprimido con la jeta ancha. La
piel es gruesa y poblada de cerdas
abundantes. El tronco es largo pero
aplanado, con el dorso arqueado, la
grupa caída y el jamón escurrido tipo
violín. Cola generalmente larga y de
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Spain Cattle and includes new
swine Celtic race as a race of
special protection in danger of extinction.
The swine collectivity Sanson
described as Celtic race (Sus
celticus), also known in Spain
as Galician or Celtic, corresponds to the
domestic pig descendant of the species
scrofa ferus His wild and responds
generally to a system morphotype
bone and muscle well developed,
strong head, long and fleshy, with
very steep and wide ears, snout
depressed with wide snout. The
skin is thick and populated bristle
abundant. The trunk is long but
flattened, with arched back, the
croup and ham fall drained type
violin. And generally long tail
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Cattle of Spain and includes new
to the Celtic pig race as a race of special protection of endangered
collectivity swine that Samson described as mixed Celtic (

celticus), also known as celtic Galicia in Spain or

domestic pig, the descendant of the wild species and their scrofa Ferus and is in general A morphotype of

systemBone and muscle is very developed,
head strong, long and fleshy, with
ears very outstanding and wide, wide snout
depressed with the mug. The skin is thick and

abundant populated bristles. The trunk is long but
flattened, with the back arched, ham and rump fall the

violin draining type tail long and generally.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Livestock of Spain and includes new
swine to the Celtic race as race of
special protection in danger of extinction.
The collectivity swine that Samson
described as Celtic race (its
celticus), also known as Galician Spain
or Celtic, corresponds to the
domestic swine descendant of the wild species
sus scrofa ferus and responds
in general to a morphotype of system
Bone and muscle very developed,
head strong, long and fleshy, with
ears very outstanding and wide from muzzle
depressed with the Tischreden broadband. The
skin is thick and populated by bristles
abundant. The trunk is long but
flattened, with the back arched, the
rump fall and drained the ham type
violin. Usually long queue and
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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