Queridas hermanas:La llegada del Papa Francisco a Bolivia, nos dejó mu การแปล - Queridas hermanas:La llegada del Papa Francisco a Bolivia, nos dejó mu อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Queridas hermanas:La llegada del Pa

Queridas hermanas:
La llegada del Papa Francisco a Bolivia, nos dejó mucha esperanza, como también muchos desafíos por delante. Fue un gran regalo para la Iglesia Boliviana y para nosotras, claro está.
Nuestra vida se complicó, después del retorno, ya que en Potosí hay problemas, un paro cívico (Todo está paralizado, nadie entra ni sale de Potosí, todas las tiendas y mercados están cerrados), ya son 14 días, el gobierno no quiere dialogar con los dirigentes, todo el pueblo está levantado, en bloqueos, movilizaciones, marchas, valoro y pondero la valentía de mi gente, personas fuertes y valerosas que luchan por el porvenir de sus hijos, pidiendo algo justo que desde hace mas de 500 años nos deben, Potosí aporta bastante a la economía de Bolivia, pero es el departamento más pobre, la minería ha sido y sigue siendo el soporte económico de Bolivia, por muchos años han explotado la riqueza, tardaría mucho al explicar las diferentes peticiones que este pueblo tiene para el gobierno, que no ha sido capaz de diversificar la economía del Departamento, en el Cerro Rico hoy siguen trabajando muchos, corriendo el riesgo de perder la vida, es la única fuente de trabajo que hay en Potosí.
Estos últimos días han habido mucho enfrentamientos entre policías y los potosinos que se fueron en marcha a la Sede de Gobierno (La Paz) más de 200 personas ya hace 3 semanas se encuentran allá, lo malo es que se han ido sumando muchos mas estos últimos días, viendo el trato inhumano de los policías, ayer y hoy los mineros han viajado para reforzar dicen que son más de 1000. Puedo seguir explicando pero no terminaría nunca, lo único que pido a nombre de mis hermanos es muchas ORACIONES para que los problemas no empeoren estos días. El temor es que estos problemas traigan más violencia.
RECEN, RECEN, mucho por mi pueblo que hoy sufre, para que haya paz desde la implantación de la justicia. Para que exita diálogo entre ambas partes.
La lectura de hoy es muy iluminadora. “…Jesús los vio y tuvo compasión de ellos, porque estaban como ovejas sin pastor…”
Nosotras estamos bien, Giusy y Concha, están en Azangaro, no pueden moverse de ahí, solo a pie y es lejos para la ciudad; Reina y yo estamos en la ciudad, en diversas actividades de bloqueos, reuniones, vigilias… Gracias a Dios estamos bien, sufriendo desde luego con nuestro pueblo.
Gracias por pedir a las comunidades unirse con nosotras en oración.
Con mucho cariño Zulema
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Dear Sisters:The arrival of father Francisco to Bolivia, left us much hope, as many challenges ahead. It was a great gift for the Bolivian Church and for us, is clear.Our life was complicated, after the return, since in Potosi there are problems, a work stoppage (everything is paralyzed, no one enters or leaves of Potosí, all shops and markets are closed), they are already 14 days, the Government does not want to engage in dialogue with leaders, all the people is raised, blockades, demonstrations, marches, I value and pondero the courage of my people We must be strong and courageous people who are fighting for the future of their children, asking for something just that for over 500 years, Potosi brings enough to the economy of Bolivia, but it is the poorest Department, mining has been and continues to be the support of Bolivia, by many years have exploited the wealth, it would take much to explain the different requests that this town has for the Government which he has not been able to diversify the economy of the Department, in the Cerro Rico today are still working many, running the risk of losing their lives, is the only source of work that exist in Potosi.These last few days there have been many clashes between police and potosinos that went up to the seat of Government (La Paz) more than 200 people already 3 weeks ago there are, the bad thing is that they have been added many more these last few days, seeing the inhuman police treatment, yesterday and today the miners travelled to reinforce that they are more than 1000. I keep explaining but not it would never end, the only thing that I ask my brothers name is many prayers so that the problems do not worsen these days. The fear is that these problems will bring more violence.PRAY, pray much for my people who today are suffering, to make peace since the implementation of Justice. So excites dialogue between both parties.Today's reading is very enlightening. “… Jesus saw them, and had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd..."We are well, Giusy and shell, are in Azangaro, not may move there, just walk and is far to the city; Queen and I are in the city, in various activities of blockades, meetings and vigils... Thank God we are well, certainly suffering with our people.Thank you for asking communities to join with us in prayer.Lovingly Zulema
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Dear Sisters,
The arrival of Pope Francisco to Bolivia, left us much hope, as many challenges ahead. It was a great gift for the Bolivian Church and for us, of course.
Our life was complicated, after return, since in Potosi there are problems, a general strike (Everything is paralyzed, no one goes in or out of Potosi, all shops and markets are closed), are already 14 days, the government does not want dialogue with the leaders, the whole town is up in blockades, demonstrations, marches, value and praised the courage of my people, strong and courageous people who fight for the future their children, asking for something just that for more than 500 years we should, Potosi brings a lot to the economy of Bolivia, but it is the poorest department, mining has been and remains the economic support of Bolivia for many years have exploited the wealth, it would take much to explain the different requests that these people have for the government, which has failed to diversify the economy of the Department, in the Cerro Rico today still work many, risking their lives, is the only source of work is in Potosi.
These last few days have been many clashes between police and potosinos who went up to the seat of Government (La Paz) more than 200 people and 3 weeks are there, the trouble is they have been adding many more in recent days, watching the inhuman treatment of policemen, yesterday and today the miners have traveled to reinforce say they are over 1000. I continue to explain but never end, all I ask on behalf of my brothers are many prayers that the problems do not get worse these days. The fear is that these problems bring more violence.
Pray, pray much for my people who are suffering today, for there to be peace from the implementation of justice. To that excites dialogue between both parties.
Today's reading is very enlightening. "... Jesus saw them and had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd ..."
We're fine, Giusy and Shell, are in Azangaro, can not move from there, just walk away and for the city; Queen and I are in town, in various activities blockades, rallies, vigils ... Thank God we're fine, suffering since then with our people.
Thanks for asking communities to come together with us in prayer.
With love Zulema
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Dear Sisters,
the arrival of Pope Francisco to Bolivia, left us a lot of Hope, and also many challenges ahead. It was a great gift for the Bolivian Church and for us, of course. Our Life is complicated, after return, because there are problems in Potosi, a Civic Strike (Everything Is Paralyzed, no one enters or leaves of Potosi, all shops and markets are closed)There are now 14 days, the Government does not want to talk with the leaders, the entire town is lifted, roadblocks, demonstrations, marches, valued and praised the courage of my people, strong and Courageous, fighting for the Future of their children, asking for something just for more than 500 years we must, Potosi provides Rather, the economy of Bolivia, but it is the poorest Department,Mining has been and remains the economic support of Bolivia, for many years have exploited the Wealth, it would take too long to explain the different requests that this village has to the Government, which has not been able to diversify the economy of the Department, in the Cerro Rico Today continue to work many, running the risk of Losing Life,It is the only source of jobs in Potosi.
these past few days have been a lot of fighting between Police and the people that were in place at the seat of Government (Peace) over 200 people there are already 3 weeks ago, but have been adding a lot more these days seeing the inhumane treatment of the cops,Yesterday and today have traveled to reinforce the Miners say they are over 1000. Can I keep explaining but would never End, and all I ask in the name of my brothers is a lot of Prayers that do not worsen the problems these days. The fear is that these problems will bring more violence. "Pray, Pray much for my people that suffers today for Peace since the implementation of Justice.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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