Sospeche de esta enfermedad cuando el animal tienda a balancear el peso
de su cuerpo hacia las patas delanteras, y no se mueva normalmente. Al
examinar el animal notará la presencia de llagas bajo las patas traseras.
Se cree que existe una predisposición genética para esta condición. Otros
factores que predisponen a esta enfermedad son el tipo de alambre que
utilice para construir las jaulas, la limpieza de éstas, y la condición física
de la jaula (con moho, rota...).
Una vez ocurre la condición, resulta difícil curarla. Colocar tablas sobre
el piso de la jaula, o colocar el conejo en el piso sobre aserrín de madera o
paja seca, ayuda a eliminar esta condición. El uso de ungüentos y cremas
medicadas en algunos casos sana la condición. Sin embargo, lo más
práctico es eliminar el animal. Esta enfermedad es común en razas
gigantes, como la Flamenco.
Be suspicious of this disease when the animal tends to balance the weightof your body towards the front legs, and does not move normally. To theexamine the animal you will notice the presence of sores under the rear legs.It is believed that there is a genetic predisposition to this condition. Otherfactors that predispose to the disease are the type of wireuse to build cages, cleaning them, and physical conditioncage (with rust, broken...).Once the condition occurs, it is difficult to cure it. Place tables abovethe floor of the cage, or place the rabbit on the floor on wood sawdust orstraw dry, helps to eliminate this condition. The use of ointments and creamsmedicated in some cases healthy condition. However, the mostpractical it is to remove the animal. This disease is common in breedsGiants, such as the Flamenco.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Suspected of the disease when the animal tends to balance the weight
of your body towards the front legs, and usually does not move. To
examine the animal will notice the presence of sores on its hind legs.
It is believed that there is a genetic predisposition to this condition. Other
factors that predispose to this disease are the type of wire
used to build cages, clean them, and the physical condition
of the cage (with mold, broken ...).
Once the condition occurs, it is difficult to cure . Place tables on
the floor of the cage, or put the rabbit on the floor on sawdust or
dry straw, it helps eliminate this condition. The use of ointments and creams
medicated in some cases healthy condition. However, the most
practical is to remove the animal. The disease is common in races
giants like the Flamenco.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Suspected of this disease when the animal tends to balance the weight
his body towards the front legs, and not move normally. The
consider the animal will notice the presence of sores on the Hind legs. It is believed that there is a Genetic Predisposition for this condition. Other factors that predispose to this disease
are the type of Wire used to build the cages.The cleaning of these, and the physical condition of The Cage (with
mildew, Broken). Once the condition occurs, it is difficult to cure. Place tables on the floor of The Cage, or put the rabbit on the floor or on Wood Sawdust and Straw Dry, helps to eliminate this condition. The use of Medicated creams and Ointments, and in some cases Healthy status. However, more
Practical is to eliminate the animal. This disease is common in
Giant breeds, such as the flamenco.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..