Drea cabeza ayer, rosa obligado y control sueño a mensajes enviados a  การแปล - Drea cabeza ayer, rosa obligado y control sueño a mensajes enviados a  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Drea cabeza ayer, rosa obligado y c

Drea cabeza ayer, rosa obligado y control sueño a mensajes enviados a usted que DREA no puede ir a su home.but DREA no hacer porque DREA necesito conocerte.Rosa y Bibi gritar en la mañana hasta ahora.Todas las cosas que DREA miedo, ella llora mas de 1 hora.Porque DREA dijo que ella no puede hacer nada. Rosa coacción DREA para ir a la escuela y volver a casa,Rosa no permiten ir toamparito casa y no dejes que nadie ni decirte. Yo entiendo que esta situación, hacer DREA graves y. Hoy DREA necesitan ver lo que ella no puede vivir en esta casa por muchas razones.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]

Drea head yesterday, rose compelled and dream control messages sent to you that DREA can not go to your home.but DREA DREA need not do because Bibi conocerte.Rosa and scream in the morning until things ahora.Todas DREA fear, she cries over 1 hora.Porque DREA said she can not do anything. Rosa coercion DREA to go to school and go home, she did not let go toamparito house and do not let anyone tell you no. I understand this situation, and do serious DREA. Today DREA need to see what she can not live in this house for many reasons.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

drea head yesterday, pink dream to bound and control messages sent to you drea can not go to your home.but drea do because drea I need to meet you. Rose and Bibi yelling in the morning until now. All the things you drea fear, she cries over 1 hour. Because drea said she can't do anything. Rosa coercion drea go to school and go home,Do not allow toamparito Rose go home and don't let anyone tell you. I understand that this situation, serious and drea. Today drea need to see what she can't live in this House for many reasons.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

Drea head yesterday, pink dream control and forced to messages sent to you that RBAS cannot go to their home.but not DREA DREA i need to do, because you know yourself.Pink and Bibi shout in the morning until now.All the things that RBAS fear, she cries more than 1 hour.Because RBAS said she can do nothing. RBAS Pink coercion to go to school and back home,Rosa does not allow toamparito go home and don't let nobody tell you. I understand that this situation, to make serious and RBAS. RBAS today need to see what she cannot live in this House for many reasons.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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