23300:26:28,728 --> 00:26:29,485¿Vas a ir a orinar?23400:26:29,486 --> การแปล - 23300:26:28,728 --> 00:26:29,485¿Vas a ir a orinar?23400:26:29,486 --> อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

23300:26:28,728 --> 00:26:29,485¿Va

00:26:28,728 --> 00:26:29,485
¿Vas a ir a orinar?

00:26:29,486 --> 00:26:30,595

00:26:30,596 --> 00:26:32,790
Dame dos segundos...

00:26:47,868 --> 00:26:49,904
Es como cambiar de botón.

00:26:49,905 --> 00:26:56,158
Ir al baño le va costar de 5 a 10 minutos, es como cambiar a modo orinar.

00:27:05,143 --> 00:27:15,990
Sólo quiero señalar que si lo notaron no es sólo un tipo de orgasmo localizado.

00:27:15,991 --> 00:27:23,372
Si miran porno, la mujeres del porno cuando empiezan a eyacular
dejan de respirar.

00:27:23,373 --> 00:27:29,620
El cuerpo se les pone tenso, y es por eso que la gente piensa que es orina,
porque en verdad se parece a la orina.

00:27:29,621 --> 00:27:35,801
cuando haces la cosa del masaje y haces que se aleje de sus temores...

00:27:35,802 --> 00:27:42,398
...y desarrollas una verdadera relacion con una persona hace que
todo el cuerpo se involucre en el orgasmo.

00:27:42,399 --> 00:27:44,910
Es una cuestión de dejar que el miedo se vaya.

00:27:44,911 --> 00:27:50,588
Tienes que hacer que se vayan el miedo, la culpa y otras emociones.

00:27:52,827 --> 00:27:59,507
Este es un orgasmo de todo el cuerpo cuando tiembla y tiene espasmos.

00:28:02,352 --> 00:28:04,759
Sólo quería dejarlo en claro.

00:28:04,760 --> 00:28:10,023
Bienvenidos nuevamente, quiero hablar un poco sobre
los problemas y sus soluciones.

00:28:10,024 --> 00:28:17,348
Lo primero que se me viene a la mente es... el sentido del humor.
si no esta ahí, ¡buena suerte!

00:28:17,349 --> 00:28:20,051
Hay mucha tensión en el cuerpo de esa mujer.

00:28:20,052 --> 00:28:26,924
Lo que vas a necesitar es conseguir un proyecto
mío que se llama "Acercamiento a una mujer".

00:28:26,925 --> 00:28:34,315
Allí muestro una técnica que pueden utilizar para alejar
cualquier emoción básica.

00:28:34,316 --> 00:28:41,697
Puede ser culpa, ansiedad, vergüenza, cualquier cosa que se les ocurra
la pueden eliminar si lo hacen de la forma correcta.

00:28:41,698 --> 00:28:48,856
Entonces, el verdadero secreto es deshacerse de todas esas emociones
del cuerpo...

00:28:48,857 --> 00:28:52,900
...y no reprimirlas, muchas personas reprimen sus emociones.

00:28:52,901 --> 00:28:58,398
De eso se trata, de relajarse y curarse.

00:28:59,500 --> 00:29:07,503
Otra cosa que me viene a la mente es que muchas mujeres tienen vergüenza de su
cuerpo cuando están con otras personas.

00:29:07,504 --> 00:29:11,171
Puedes usar esa técnica para despejar todo.

00:29:11,172 --> 00:29:17,443
Otra cosa que ayuda mucho para este tipo de mujeres
es dejarlas ciegas totalmente.

00:29:17,444 --> 00:29:26,161
Si son mujeres visuales, que suelen hablar muy rápido
o usar predicados visuales y cosas así.

00:29:26,162 --> 00:29:35,813
Trata de dejarlas ciegas para que entren en su cuerpo, para que lo sienta.

00:29:35,814 --> 00:29:40,194
Esa es realmente la clave que deduje.

00:29:40,229 --> 00:29:47,651
Otra cosa es,que algunas mujeres tienen miedo de orinarse.

00:29:47,652 --> 00:29:57,089
Tienen que relajar su músculo de orinar en el momento del orgasmo,
tienen que soltarlo.

00:29:57,090 --> 00:30:04,987
Lo peor que te puede pasar es que te orines, no te vas a orinar, pero
si lo piensas así, ¿cuál es el gran problema?

00:30:04,988 --> 00:30:07,499
Sólo limpia el desastre cuando termines y listo.

00:30:07,500 --> 00:30:14,192
Si la mujer insiste en que se va a orinar, que se va a orinar...

00:30:14,193 --> 00:30:21,316
...puedes usar la técnica de limpieza del karma para sacar esos miedos
básicos que tiene.

00:30:21,317 --> 00:30:27,333
Si no lo quieren hacer e insisten en que se van a orinar y cosas así...

00:30:27,334 --> 00:30:37,137
...no están listas, no están vibrando lo suficientemente alto.
No van a aprender esto y no van a eyacular y menos al nivel que vieron con Ghita.

00:30:37,138 --> 00:30:40,703
Entonces hay mucho trabajo por hacer.

00:30:41,558 --> 00:30:46,430
El masaje a veces asciende a 12 o 15 sesiones.

00:30:46,431 --> 00:30:53,358
12 a 15 sesiones de masajes de dos horas cada una para que empiece
a eyacular.

00:30:53,359 --> 00:31:04,941
Una de las formas de medir si tiene mucha tensión en el cuerpo
es si come mucho, toma mucho o se droga.

00:31:04,942 --> 00:31:11,439
Esto realmente la va a inhibir, le tienes que hacer honores al cuerpo y cuidarlo.

00:31:11,440 --> 00:31:14,421
Y vas a llegar a la recompensa.

00:31:14,422 --> 00:31:19,467
Una de las primeras cosas que busqué fueron los hoyuelos.

00:31:19,468 --> 00:31:20,891
Ghita, ¿puedes venir acá?

00:31:20,892 --> 00:31:26,528
Como pueden ver, ella tiene dos hoyuelos justo acá.

00:31:26,529 --> 00:31:30,359
Esto es una señal, muchas mujeres tienen esos hoyuelos.

00:31:30,360 --> 00:31:35,138
Esa es una señal de que va a ser muy fácil de entrenar.

00:31:36,905 --> 00:31:41,676
Va a ser mucho más fácil de entrenar que una chica que sea plana aquí.

00:31:41,677 --> 00:31:48,856
Porque si es plana aquí tiene cubierto los hoyuelos de estrés, tensión y grasa.

00:31:48,857 --> 00:31:55,018
Eso significa que su sangre no va a fluir bien y eso va a traer muchos problemas.

00:31:55,019 --> 00:31:59,412
Cuando tiene hoyuelos tu trabajo se vuelve mucho más fácil.

00:32:00,285 --> 00:32:03,402
Estos son los hoyuelos del orgasmo, muchas mujeres tienen estos.

00:32:06,245 --> 00:32:09,144
Muchas mujeres tienen esos y suelen ser hermosas.

00:32:09,145 --> 00:32:18,911
Suelen tener la figura de un reloj de arena, suelen ser saludables, y esa es la clave
para hacer que este trabajo funcione: salud.

00:32:18,912 --> 00:32:23,401
Si la mujer pesa 150 kilos y está deprimida y come en exceso...

00:32:23,402 --> 00:32:30,899
...va a ser muy, muy difícil, sino imposible entrenarla en el arte de eyacular...

00:32:30,900 --> 00:32:33,432
...y en los orgasmo de todo el cuerpo.

00:32:33,433 --> 00:32:40,169
Otra cosa que quiero decir para aquellas que tienen miedo de orinarse...

00:32:40,170 --> 00:32:46,177
...para mí es gracioso, pero si tienen tanto miedo de hacerse pipí...

00:32:46,178 --> 00:32:51,664
...y no la pueden convencer, lo que encontré que puede ser muy útil es la compañía.

00:32:51,665 --> 00:32:56,868
Lo que hice con Ghita al principio de nuestra relación...

00:32:56,869 --> 00:33:06,579
Fui al baño con ella, la acompañé, ¿quieres venir acá?
Siéntate por acá.

00:33:06,580 --> 00:33:26,089
Cuando se sentó en el inodoro, le agarré la mano, y en el momento en que relajó el músculo
y empezó a orinar, le apreté la mano y le dije: Buena chica.

00:33:26,090 --> 00:33:32,396
No importa lo que digas, le puedes apretar suavemente la nariz.

00:33:32,397 --> 00:33:36,385
No importa cómo lo hagas. Así lo hice yo.

00:33:36,386 --> 00:33:48,841
Lo hice 3 ó 4 veces, le di mucha agua, ese día fue bastante seguido al baño.

00:33:48,842 --> 00:33:59,680
Eso fue lo que hice, y en cuanto escuché que empezaba
a orinar le apreté la mano y le dije: "buena chica".

00:33:59,681 --> 00:34:03,380
Lo hice una y otra vez durante el día.

00:34:03,381 --> 00:34:09,999
Y más tarde, cuando estaba estimulando su clítoris y jugando con ella...

00:34:10,000 --> 00:34:14,685
...le agarré la mano, y le dije: "buena chica", y eyaculó.

00:34:16,058 --> 00:34:21,864
Esa es una buena forma de resolver los problemas para las mujeres
que tienen miedo de orinarse.

00:34:24,066 --> 00:34:31,515
Otra vez, consigue los mp3. Te ayudará a liberar los miedos, lo puedes conseguir en ideagasms.net.

00:34:31,516 --> 00:34:40,304
Son $30 bien gastados, porque te va a ayudar a liberar todos los miedos y van a haber muchos.

00:34:40,305 --> 00:34:52,607
En algunos casos va a haber muchos y haz lo correcto.

00:34:52,608 --> 00:34:58,739
Eso es todo de la sección problemas y soluciones.

00:34:58,740 --> 00:35:07,706
Es todo muy sencillo siempre y cuando sea saludable,
tenga sentido del humor y suficiente autoestima.

00:35:07,707 --> 00:35:14,359
Y si tiene los hoyuelos significa que cuida de su cuerpo, que no tiene mucha tensión.

00:35:14,360 --> 00:35:24,598
Si haces los masajes y usas la técnica de los dedos y tienen que tener una relación en la
que hay confienza y lealtad.

00:35:24,599 --> 00:35:36,688
Si se engañan entre ustedes, o mueven el trasero en los clubs todas las noches,
que es lo que hacen la mayoría de las parejas ahora...

00:35:36,689 --> 00:35:45,123
...tienen encontrar la forma de solucionarlo si quieren llegar a este tipo de nivel.

00:35:45,124 --> 00:35:51,276
Este tipo de eyaculación es el fruto del amor incondicional.

00:35:53,707 --> 00:35:55,899
No es solamente técnicas.

00:35:55,900 --> 00:36:03,210
Otra cosa para deshacerse de los miedos, rebalancearse y
curar el cuerpo de la mujer es...

00:36:03,245 --> 00:36:04,508
...la limpieza de chakras.

00:36:04,509 --> 00:36:10,614
Ve a tu practicante de metafísica local y que te enseñe limpieza de chakras.

00:36:10,615 --> 00:36:19,035
Te va a cambiar la vida, vas a empezar a relajar y rebalancear la energía atrapada
dentro el cuerpo de la mujer.

00:36:22,413 --> 00:36:26,627
¿Tienes algo para agregar para la resolución de problemas?

00:36:32,564 --> 00:36:33,348
Es en realidad bastante sencillo.

00:36:33,349 --> 00:36:40,332
Bueno sí, si tienes demasiadas inseguridades sobre esto, habla con tu novio o amante.

00:36:40,333 --> 00:36:42,927
Sí, tienen que manejar eso.

00:36:45,888 --> 00:36:46,531
Entonces, gracias.

00:36:46,532 --> 00:36:49,610
Sí, muchas gracias por tomar clases de orgasmos.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
23300: 26:28, 728 - > 00:26:29, 485Are you going to go to urinate?23400: 26:29, 486 - > 00:26:30, 595Yes.23500: 26:30, 596 - > 00:26:32, 790Give me two seconds...23600: 26:47, 868 - > 00:26:49, 904It is how to change button.23700: 26:49, 905 - > 00:26:56, 158Go to the bathroom will cost 5 to 10 minutes, how to change mode to urinate.23800: 27:05, 143 - > 00:27:15, 990Just want to point out that if realized it is not only a type of localized orgasm.23900: 27:15, 991 - > 00:27:23, 372If you look at porn, the women of porn when they start to ejaculatethey stop breathing.24000: 27:23, 373 - > 00:27:29, 620The body becomes tense, and is why people think it's urine,because it really looks like urine.24100: 27:29, 621 - > 00:27:35, 801When you do the massage thing and do that you away from your fears...24200: 27:35, 802 - > 00:27:42, 398.. .and develop a real relationship with a person makes that the entire body is involved in orgasm.24300: 27:42, 399 - > 00:27:44, 910It is a question of let go of fear.24400: 27:44, 911 - > 00:27:50, 588You must fear, guilt and other emotions will be.24500: 27:52, 827 - > 00:27:59, 507This is a full body orgasm when it trembles and has spasms.24600: 28:02, 352 - > 00:28:04, 759I just wanted to make it clear.24700: 28:04, 760 - > 00:28:10, 023Welcome again, I want to talk a little aboutthe problems and their solutions.24800: 28:10, 024 - > 00:28:17, 348The first thing that comes to mind is... the sense of humor.If it is not there, good luck!24900: 28:17, 349 - > 00:28:20, 051There is too much tension in the body of that woman.25000: 28:20, 052 - > 00:28:26, 924What you need is to get a project mine called "Approach to a woman".25100: 28:26, 925 - > 00:28:34, 315There I show a technique that can be used to zoom outany basic emotion.25200: 28:34, 316 - > 00:28:41, 697It may be guilt, anxiety, shame, anything you can think of themYou can remove it if they do it the right way.25300: 28:41, 698 - > 00:28:48, 856Then, the real secret is to get rid of all those emotions body...25400: 28:48, 857 - > 00:28:52, 900.. .and not repress them, many people repress their emotions.25500: 28:52, 901 - > 00:28:58, 398That it is, relax and heal.25600: 28:59, 500 - > 00:29:07, 503Another thing that comes to mind is that many women have shame of their body when they are with other people.25700: 29:07, 504 - > 00:29:11, 171You can use this technique to clear everything.25800: 29:11, 172 - > 00:29:17, 443Another thing that helps a lot for this kind of womenIt is to leave them completely blind.25900: 29:17, 444 - > 00:29:26, 161If they are Visual women, who tend to speak very quickly or using Visual predicates and things as well.26000: 29:26, 162 - > 00:29:35, 813Tries to leave them blind so they enter your body, before you feel it.26100: 29:35, 814 - > 00:29:40, 194That is really the key, I think.26200: 29:40, 229 - > 00:29:47, 651Another thing is, that some women are afraid of wetting.26300: 29:47, 652 - > 00:29:57, 089They have to relax your muscle urinate at the moment of orgasm,they have to release it.26400: 29:57, 090 - > 00:30:04, 987The worst thing that can happen is that you urinate, you won't have to urinate, butIf you think about it as well, what is the big deal?26500: 30:04, 988 - > 00:30:07, 499Only clean the disaster when you are done and ready.26600: 30:07, 500 - > 00:30:14, 192If the woman insists that you urinate, will peeing...26700: 30:14, 193 - > 00:30:21, 316.. .can use karma cleaning technique to remove those fears Basic has.26800: 30:21, 317 - > 00:30:27, 333If they do not want to do and insist that they will urinate and things as well...26900: 30:27, 334 - > 00:30:37, 137.. .we are ready, are not vibrating high enough.They will not learn this and not going to ejaculate and less at the level which saw with Ghita.27000: 30:37, 138 - > 00:30:40, 703There is much work to do.27100: 30:41, 558 - > 00:30:46, 430Massage sometimes amounts to 12 or 15 sessions.27200: 30:46, 431 - > 00:30:53, 35812-15 sessions of two hours each massage will startto ejaculate.27300: 30:53, 359 - > 00:31:04, 941One of the ways to measure if you have too much tension in the bodyIt is if you eat a lot, takes a lot or takes drugs.27400: 31:04, 942 - > 00:31:11, 439This really is going to inhibit, you have to do honor to the body and take care of it.27500: 31:11, 440 - > 00:31:14, 421And you'll reach the reward.27600: 31:14, 422 - > 00:31:19, 467One of the first things I looked for were the dimples.27700: 31:19, 468 - > 00:31:20, 891Ghita, do you can come here?27800: 31:20, 892 - > 00:31:26, 528As you can see, she has two dimples right here.27900: 31:26, 529 - > 00:31:30, 359This is a sign, many women have those dimples.28000: 31:30, 360 - > 00:31:35, 138That is a sign that it is going to be very easy to train.28100: 31:36, 905 - > 00:31:41, 676It will be much easier to train than a girl that is flat here.28200: 31:41, 677 - > 00:31:48, 856Because if it's flat here you have covered the stress, tension and fat dimples.28300: 31:48, 857 - > 00:31:55, 018That means that your blood will not flow well and that's going to bring many problems.28400: 31:55, 019--> 00:31:59, 412When you have dimples your work becomes much easier.28500: 32:00, 285 - > 00:32:03, 402These are the dimples of the orgasm, many women have these.28600: 32:06, 245 - > 00:32:09, 144Many women have those and often beautiful.28700: 32:09, 145 - > 00:32:18, 911They usually have an hourglass figure, tend to be healthy, and that's the keyto make this work work: health.28800: 32:18, 912 - > 00:32:23, 401If she weighs 150 kilos and is depressed and eats too much...28900: 32:23, 402 - > 00:32:30 899.. .va be very, very difficult, if not impossible to train her in the art of ejaculating...29000: 32:30, 900 - > 00:32:33, 432.. .and in the whole body orgasm.29100: 32:33, 433 - > 00:32:40, 169Another thing I want to say to those who are afraid of wetting...29200: 32:40, 170 - > 00:32:46, 177.. .for me is funny, but if you are so afraid to pee...29300: 32:46, 178 - > 00:32:51, 664.. .and may not convince it, what I found that it can be very useful is the company.29400: 32:51, 665 - > 00:32:56, 868What I did with Ghita at the beginning of our relationship...29500: 32:56, 869 - > 00:33:06, 579I went to the bathroom with her, I followed it, want to come here?Sit down here.29600: 33:06, 580 - > 00:33:26, 089When he sat down on the toilet, grabbed you his hand, and at the time that relaxed muscleHe started to urinate, I squeezed her hand and I told him: good girl.29700: 33:26, 090 - > 00:33:32, 396No matter what you say, you can gently squeeze her nose.29800: 33:32, 397 - > 00:33:36, 385It doesn't matter how you do it. So I did it.29900: 33:36, 386 - > 00:33:48, 841I did it 3 or 4 times, I gave him lots of water, that day was quite often to the bathroom.30000: 33:48, 842 - > 00:33:59, 680That was what I did, and as I heard that he beganpee I squeezed her hand and told him: "good girl".30100: 33:59, 681 - > 00:34:03, 380I did it again and again during the day.30200: 34:03, 381 - > 00:34:09, 999And later, when I was stimulating her clit and playing with her...30300: 34:10, 000 - > 00:34:14, 685.. .le grabbed the hand, and said: "good girl", and ejaculated.30400: 34:16, 058 - > 00:34:21, 864This is a good way to solve the problems for womenthat you are afraid of wetting.30500: 34:24, 066 - > 00:34:31, 515Again, get the mp3. It will help to release fears, you can get it at ideagasms.net.30600: 34:31, 516 - > 00:34:40, 304They are $30 well spent, because it will help release all fears and will have many.30700: 34:40, 305 - > 00:34:52, 607In some cases there will be many and do the right thing.30800: 34:52, 608 - > 00:34:58, 739That is all the section troubleshooting.30900: 34:58, 740 - > 00:35:07, 706It's all very simple if it is healthy,makes sense of humor and enough self-esteem.31000: 35:07, 707 - > 00:35:14, 359And if you have dimples it means that takes care of his body, which does not have too much tension.31100: 35:14, 360 - > 00:35:24, 598If you do massages and use finger technique and they have to have a relationship in theThere is loyalty and confienza.31200: 35:24, 599 - > 00:35:36, 688If they deceive you, or move back in the clubs every night,that is what they do most couples now...31300: 35:36, 689 - > 00:35:45, 123.. .have find ways to fix it if they want to reach such a level.31400: 35:45, 124 - > 00:35:51, 276This type of ejaculation is the result of unconditional love.31500: 35:53, 707 - > 00:35:55, 899It is not only technical.31600: 35:55, 900 - > 00:36:03, 210Another thing to get rid of fears, rebalancearse andheal the body of women is...31700: 36:03, 245 - > 00:36:04, 508.. .the chakras cleaning.31800: 36:04, 509 - > 00:36:10, 614Go to your practitioner of local metaphysics and to teach you cleaning of chakras.31900: 36:10, 615 - > 00:36:19, 035You will change your life, you'll begin to relax and rebalance the trapped energyinside the woman's body.32000: 36:22, 413 - > 00:36:26, 627Do you have something to add for the resolution of problems?32100: 36:32, 564 - > 00:36:33, 348It is actually quite simple.32200: 36:33, 349 - > 00:36:40, 332Well Yes, if you have too many insecurities about this, talk to your boyfriend or lover.32300: 36:40, 333 - > 00:36:42, 927Yes, they have to handle that.32400: 36:45, 888 - > 00:36:46, 531Then, thank you.32500: 36:46, 532 - > 00:36:49, 610Yes, thank you very much for taking kinds of orgasms.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
00: 26: 28.728 -> 00: 26: 29.485
Are you going to pee? 234 00: 26: 29.486 -> 00: 26: 30.595 Yes. 235 00: 26: 30.596 -> 00:26: 32,790 Give me two seconds ... 236 00: 26: 47.868 -> 00: 26: 49.904 It's like changing button. 237 00: 26: 49,905 -> 00: 26: 56.158 Go to the bathroom will cost you 5 10 minutes, it's like changing a mode urinate. 238 00: 27: 05.143 -> 00: 27: 15,990 Just want to note that if you noticed is not only one type of orgasm located. 239 00: 27: 15,991 -> 00 : 27: 23.372 If you look at porn, the porn when women begin to ejaculate stop breathing. 240 00: 27: 23.373 -> 00: 27: 29.620 The body stiffens them, which is why people think that it is urine, for indeed it looks like urine. 241 00: 27: 29.621 -> 00: 27: 35,801 when you do the massage and do something to stay away from their fears ... 242 00: 27: 35.802 - -> 00: 27: 42.398 ... and develop a real relationship with a person makes the whole body is involved in orgasm. 243 00: 27: 42.399 -> 00: 27: 44.910 It's a matter of letting the fear go. 244 00: 27: 44.911 -> 00: 27: 50.588 You have to make the fear go away, guilt and other emotions. 245 00: 27: 52.827 -> 00: 27: 59.507 This is a full body orgasm when trembles and twitches. 246 00: 28: 02.352 -> 00: 28: 04.759 I just wanted to make that clear. 247 00: 28: 04.760 -> 00: 28: 10,023 Welcome back, I want to talk a little about . The problems and solutions 248 00: 28: 10,024 -> 00: 28: 17,348 The first thing that comes to mind is ... a sense of humor. If not there, good luck! 249 00: 28: 17.349 -> 00: 28: 20.051 There are a lot of tension in the body of the woman. 250 00: 28: 20.052 -> 00: 28: 26.924 What you need is to get a project of mine who called "Approach to a woman." 251 00: 28: 26.925 -> 00: 28: 34.315 There show you a technique that can be used to ward off any basic emotion. 252 00: 28: 34,316 -> 00: 28: 41.697 Can be guilt, anxiety, embarrassment, anything they can think the be deleted if they do it the right way. 253 00: 28: 41.698 -> 00: 28: 48.856 So the real secret is to get rid of all those emotions of body ... 254 00: 28: 48.857 -> 00: 28: 52,900 ... and not repress them, many people suppress their emotions. 255 00: 28: 52.901 -> 00: 28: 58.398 That's what it is, to relax and heal. 256 00: 28: 59,500 -> 00: 29: 07.503 Another thing that comes to mind is that many women are ashamed of their body when they are with other people. 257 00: 29: 07.504 - > 00: 29: 11,171 You can use this technique to clear everything. 258 00: 29: 11,172 -> 00: 29: 17.443 Another thing that helps a lot for these women is to leave them totally blind. 259 00: 29: 17.444 - -> 00: 29: 26.161 If women are visual, they usually speak too fast or use visual predicates and stuff. 260 00: 29: 26.162 -> 00: 29: 35.813 Try to leave them blind to come into your body, so sorry. 261 00: 29: 35.814 -> 00: 29: 40.194 That's really the key I figured. 262 00: 29: 40.229 -> 00: 29: 47.651 Another thing is that some women are afraid . wetting 263 00: 29: 47.652 -> 00: 29: 57.089 You have to relax your muscle to urinate in the moment of orgasm, they have to let go. 264 00: 29: 57.090 -> 00: 30: 04.987 The worst you can happen is you piss, you do not go to urinate, but if you think so, what is the big deal? 265 00: 30: 04.988 -> 00: 30: 07.499 Only clean the mess when you're done and ready . 266 00: 30: 07.500 -> 00: 30: 14,192 If she insists on going to urinate to be urinating ... 267 00: 30: 14.193 -> 00: 30: 21.316 .. .You can use the technique of karma cleaning to remove those fears base you have. 268 00: 30: 21.317 -> 00: 30: 27,333 If you do not want to do and insist that they will urinate and so ... 269 ​​00: 30: 27.334 -> 00: 30: 37.137 ... they are not ready, are not vibrating high enough. They will not learn this and they will not ejaculate and less to the level that saw Ghita. 270 00: 30: 37.138 -> 00: 30: 40.703 Then there is much work to do. 271 00: 30: 41.558 -> 00: 30: 46,430 Massage sometimes amounts to 12 or 15 sessions. 272 00: 30: 46.431 - -> 00: 30: 53.358 12-15 massage sessions two hours each to begin to ejaculate. 273 00: 30: 53.359 -> 00: 31: 04.941 One way to measure if you have a lot of tension in the body is if you eat a lot, a lot or take drugs. 274 00: 31: 04.942 -> 00: 31: 11,439 This really is going to inhibit, you have to do honor to the body and care. 275 00: 31: 11,440 - -> 00: 31: 14,421 And going to get the reward. 276 00: 31: 14,422 -> 00: 31: 19,467 One of the first things I looked for were the dimples. 277 00: 31: 19.468 -> 00 : 31: 20.891 Ghita, can you come here? 278 00: 31: 20.892 -> 00: 31: 26.528 As you can see, she has two dimples right here. 279 00: 31: 26.529 -> 00: 31: 30.359 This is a sign, many women have these dimples. 280 00: 31: 30,360 -> 00: 31: 35.138 That's a sign that will be very easy to train. 281 00: 31: 36.905 -> 00: 31: 41.676 going to be much easier to train a girl to be flat here. 282 00: 31: 41.677 -> 00: 31: 48.856 . Because if it's flat here has covered the dimples of stress, tension and fat 283 00: 31: 48.857 -> 00: 31: 55.018 That means your blood will not flow well and that will bring many problems. 284 00: 31: 55.019 -> 00: 31: 59.412 When your job has dimpled it becomes much easier. 285 00: 32: 00.285 -> 00: 32: 03.402 These are the dimples of orgasm, many women have these. 286 00: 32: 06.245 -> 00: 32: 09.144 Many women have these and often beautiful. 287 00: 32: 09.145 -> 00: 32: 18.911 They usually have the shape of an hourglass, usually healthy, and that's the key to make this work work: health. 288 00: 32: 18.912 -> 00: 32: 23.401 If she weighs 150 kilos and is depressed and overeating ... 289 00: 32: 23.402 -> 00: 32: 30,899 ... will be very, very difficult if not impossible to train in the art of ejaculate ... 290 00: 32: 30,900 -> 00: 32: 33.432 . ... and the whole body orgasm 291 00: 32: 33.433 -> 00: 32: 40.169 Another thing I want to say to those who are afraid of wetting ... 292 00: 32: 40,170 -> 00: 32: 46.177 ... for me it's funny, but if you are so afraid of becoming pee .. . 293 00: 32: 46.178 -> 00: 32: 51.664 ... and they can not convince, what I found to be very useful is the company. 294 00: 32: 51.665 -> 00: 32: 56.868 Ghita what I did at the beginning of our relationship ... 295 00: 32: 56.869 -> 00: 33: 06.579 I went to the bathroom with her, I went, will you come here? Sit over here. 296 00:33: 06.580 -> 00: 33: 26.089 When he sat on the toilet, I grabbed his hand, and at the time that the muscle relaxed and began to urinate, I squeezed his hand and said: Good girl. 297 00:33 : 26,090 -> 00: 33: 32.396 No matter what you say, you can gently squeeze the nose. 298 00: 33: 32.397 -> 00: 33: 36.385 No matter how you do it. So I did. 299 00: 33: 36.386 -> 00: 33: 48.841 I did it 3 or 4 times, I gave a lot of water, that day was quite often to the bathroom. 300 00: 33: 48,842 -> 00: 33: 59.680 That's what I did, and listened as he began to urinate squeezed her hand and said: "good girl". 301 00: 33: 59.681 -> 00: 34: 03.380 I did it again and again during the day. 302 00: 34: 03.381 -> 00: 34: 09.999 And later, when he was stimulating her clitoris and playing with her ​​... 303 00: 34: 10,000 -> 00: 34: 14.685 .. .le grabbed his hand, and said, "good girl" and ejaculated. 304 00: 34: 16,058 -> 00: 34: 21.864 That's a good way to solve the problems for women who are afraid of wetting. 305 00: 34: 24.066 -> 00: 34: 31.515 Again, mp3 achieved. It will help you release fears, you can get in ideagasms.net. 306 00: 34: 31.516 -> 00: 34: 40.304 are $ 30 well spent, because you will help release all fears and they will be many. 307 00: 34: 40.305 -> 00: 34: 52.607 In some cases there will be many and do the right thing. 308 00: 34: 52.608 -> 00: 34: 58.739 That's all of the problems and solutions section. 309 00: 34: 58.740 -> 00: 35: 07.706 It's all very simple as long as it's healthy, have enough sense of humor and self-esteem. 310 00: 35: 07.707 -> 00: 35: 14.359 And if you have the dimples means taking care of your body, you do not have a lot of tension. 311 00: 35: 14,360 -> 00: 35: 24.598 If you do the massage technique using fingers and have to have a relationship where there Confienza and loyalty. 312 00: 35: 24.599 -> 00: 35: 36.688 If you cheat among you, or move back to the clubs every night, that's what most couples now ... 313 00 : 35: 36.689 -> 00: 35: 45.123 ... have to find a way to fix it if they are to this kind of level. 314 00: 35: 45.124 -> 00: 35: 51.276 This is the kind of ejaculation . fruit of unconditional love 315 00: 35: 53.707 -> 00: 35: 55.899 Not only techniques. 316 00: 35: 55,900 -> 00: 36: 03.210 Another thing to get rid of fears, rebalanced and cure woman's body is ... 317 00: 36: 03.245 -> 00: 36: 04.508 ... chakra cleaning. 318 00: 36: 04.509 -> 00: 36: 10,614 Go to your practitioner of metaphysics . Local and cleaning chakras show you 319 00: 36: 10,615 -> 00: 36: 19,035 You will change life, you will begin to relax and rebalance the energy trapped inside the body of the woman. 320 00: 36: 22.413 -> 00: 36: 26.627 Do you have something to add to problem solving? 321 00: 36: 32.564 -> 00: 36: 33.348 It's actually quite simple. 322 00: 36: 33.349 - > 00: 36: 40.332 Well, yes, if you have too many uncertainties about this, talk to your boyfriend or lover. 323 00: 36: 40.333 -> 00: 36: 42.927 Yes, they have to handle that. 324 00: 36: 45.888 -> 00: 36: 46.531 So, thank you. 325 00: 36: 46.532 -> 00: 36: 49.610 Yes, thank you very much for taking classes orgasms.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
00: 26: 28728 -- > 00: 26: 29485
gonna Pee?

00: 26: 234 29486 -- > 00: 26: 30595

30596 235 00: 26: -- > 00: 26: Give Me Two Seconds.

, 236 00: 26: 80000 -- > 00: 26: 49904
is Change Button.

00: 26: 237 49905 -- > 00: 26: 56158
go to the bathroom will cost 5 to 10 minutes, IT's like Changing to urinate.

00: 27: 238 Vermont 05143 -- > 00: 27: 15990
I just want to say that if you notice is not only a kind of orgasm located.

00: 27: 239 15991 -- > 00: 27: 23372
if you watch porn, porn when women begin to stop Breathing squatting

00: 27: 240 23373 -- > 00: 27: 29620
the body are tense, and that's why people think that
is urine, because it resembles the urine.

00: 27: 241 29621 -- > 00: 27: 35801
When you do the thing and do the massage takes away their Fears...

00: 27: 35802 242 -- > 00: 27: 127000
and develop a real relationship with a person that involve the whole body in orgasm.

00: 27: 243 - 42399 > 00: 27: 44910
is A question of letting Fear Go.

00: 27: 244 44911 -- > 00: 27: 50588
do you fear, Guilt, and other Emotions.

00: 27: 245 52827 -- > 00: 27: 59507
this is a whole body Trembles when orgasm and spasms.

00: 28: 246 02352 -- > 00: 28: I just wanted to be clear 04759

00: 28: 247 04760 -- > 00: 28: 10023
Welcome again, I want to Talk a little bit about the problems and their solutions

00: 28: 10024 248 -- > 00: 28: 17348
the first thing that comes to mind is... The sense of humor.
If you are not there, Good Luck!

00: 28: 249 17349 -- > 00: 28: 2005
there is a lot of tension in the body of this Woman.

250 00: 28: 2005 -- > 00: 28: what you need 26924

is a Project of Mine named "approach to a 251 Women".

00: 28: 4322 -- > 00: 28: 34315
there show a technique that can be used to remove any basic Emotion
00: 28: 34316 -- > 00: 28: 41697
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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