I love Kevin Kevin Figueroa Figueroa Gonzales Gonzales 21 May 13: 38
you know I love you now I have in my hand don't let go,You have to study what I understand let me be the person that I can support, and that will not change I love you don't want to leave and I want to leave you either don't worry that your life can be difficult as what mine don't worry I support you to fulfill your dream, together we can achieve Everything you love you love you love you my wife and I support you in everything that you do nowYou say my love for you and me to be your husband, my love.Kevin. Kevin Figueroa Figueroa Gonzales Gonzales 21 May 13: 45
you know as well as I returned your joy for you your you're mine you are my ilucion I love you my love don't worry together pass this together I love you
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