El cielo de van Gogh en la pintura noche estrellada está lleno de nube การแปล - El cielo de van Gogh en la pintura noche estrellada está lleno de nube อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

El cielo de van Gogh en la pintura

El cielo de van Gogh en la pintura noche estrellada está lleno de nubes girantes, brillantes estrellas y una luna brillante. El ajuste que pueden relacionarse con los televidentes y cielo remolinos van Gogh´s dirige el ojo de viewer´s alrededor de la pintura, con espacio entre las estrellas y los contornos curvas creando un efecto de punto a punto. Estos elementos internos aseguran fluidez y tales contornos eran importantes para el artista a pesar de se estaban convirtiendo en menos importantes para otros impresionistas. Así Night´s estrellado composición era distinta de la técnica impresionista del siglo XIX.

El artista fue consciente de que su composición de noche estrellada era un tanto surrealista y estilizada y en una carta a su hermano se refirió a las "exageraciones en cuanto a la composición." El estilo vívido elegido por van Gogh era inusual - eligió líneas para describir esta escena de noche cuando siluetas habría sido una opción más obvia.

En noche estrellada forma contorneada es un medio de expresión y se utilizan para transmitir emociones. Muchos se sienten que van Gogh´s turbulenta búsqueda para superar su enfermedad se refleja en la oscuridad del cielo nocturno. El pueblo está pintado con colores oscuros pero las ventanas iluminadas crean una sensación de confort. El pueblo es tranquilo en comparación con el cielo nocturno espectacular y el silencio de la noche se puede sentir casi en noche estrellada. El campanario domina el pueblo y simboliza la unidad en la ciudad. En cuanto a la composición, el campanario de la iglesia da una impresión de tamaño y aislamiento.

En el primer plano de izquierda es un ciprés con curvas que se asocia típicamente a luto. Está pintado en la misma forma que el cielo con líneas fluidas que mejora el flujo de la pintura noche estrellada, así como su facilidad en el ojo.
ผลลัพธ์ (ภาษาสเปน) 2:
El cielo de la noche de Van Gogh representado en la pintura de la noche estrellada está lleno de nubes que giran, estrellas brillantes, y una luna creciente brillante. El escenario es uno que los espectadores pueden relacionarse y van Gogh's cielo arremolinándose dirige el ojo del espectador alrededor de la pintura, con una separación entre las estrellas y los contornos curvos que crean un efecto de punto-a-punto. Estos elementos internos garantizan la fluidez y dichos contornos eran importantes para el artista a pesar de que son cada vez menos significativa para los otros impresionistas. Por lo tanto la composición estrellada una Noche era distinta de la técnica impresionista del siglo 19. El artista era consciente de que su composición noche estrellada fue algo surrealista y estilizada y en una carta a su hermano que incluso se refirió a "exageraciones en cuanto a su composición." el estilo vivo escogido de Van Gogh era inusual - eligió líneas para retratar esta escena de la noche, cuando las siluetas habrían sido una elección más obvia. En las formas contorneadas noche estrellada son un medio de expresión y que se utilizan para transmitir emociones. Muchos sienten que van Gogh's búsqueda turbulenta para superar su enfermedad se refleja en la oscuridad del cielo nocturno. El pueblo está pintado con colores oscuros, pero las ventanas iluminadas a crear una sensación de confort. El pueblo es tranquilo en comparación con el espectacular cielo nocturno y el silencio de la noche casi se puede sentir en la noche estrellada. El campanario domina el pueblo y simboliza la unidad en la ciudad. En términos de composición, la aguja de la iglesia da una impresión de tamaño y aislamiento. En el primer plano izquierdo es un ciprés con curvas que normalmente se asocia con el luto. Está pintado de la misma manera como el cielo con líneas de fluido que mejora el flujo de la noche estrellada de la pintura así como su facilidad en el ojo.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Van Gogh Painting starry night sky is filled with whirling clouds, bright stars and a bright moon. The setting that can interact with viewers and sky swirls van Gogh´s directs the eye of viewer´s of painting, with space between the stars and the contours around curves, creating an effect of point to point. These internal elements ensure fluidity and such contours were important for the artist despite were becoming less important for other Impressionists. So Starry Night´s composition was different from the 19th century Impressionist technique.The artist was aware that its composition of starry night was somewhat surreal, stylized and in a letter to his brother referred to "the composition exaggerations." The vivid style chosen by van Gogh was unusual - chose lines to describe this scene of night when silhouettes would have been a more obvious choice.In night star contoured shape is a means of expression and they are used to convey emotions. Many feel that van Gogh´s turbulent search to overcome his illness is reflected in the darkness of the night sky. The town is painted with dark colors but the illuminated windows create a feeling of comfort. The village is quiet compared to the spectacular night sky and the silence of the night you can feel almost at starry night. The Bell Tower dominates the town and symbolizes the unity in the city. As for the composition, the Bell Tower of the Church gives an impression of size and isolation.In the left foreground is a Cypress with curves that are typically associated with mourning. It is painted in the same way as the sky with flowing lines that improves the flow of the starry night painting, as well as easy on the eye.ผลลัพธ์ (ภาษาสเปน) 2:The night sky of Van Gogh depicted in the painting the starry night is filled with clouds swirling, bright stars and a bright Crescent. The scene is one that viewers can relate and van Gogh's swirling sky directs the eye around the painting, with a separation between the stars and the curved contours that create an effect of point-to - point. These internal elements ensure fluidity and these contours were important for the artist while they are increasingly less significant for the other Impressionists. Therefore the composition starry night was different from 19th-century Impressionist technique. The artist was aware that its composition starry night was something surreal and stylized and in a letter to his brother who even referred to "exaggerations regarding their composition." the chosen style of Van Gogh was unusual - chose lines to portray this scene of the night, when the silhouettes would have been a more obvious choice. Starry night contoured forms are a means of expression and are used to convey emotions. Many feel that they van Gogh completo search turbulence to overcome his illness is reflected in the darkness of the night sky. The town is painted with dark colors, but the illuminated windows to create a feeling of comfort. The village is quiet compared to the spectacular night sky and you can almost feel the silence of the night in starry night. The Bell Tower dominates the town and symbolizes the unity in the city. In terms of composition, the needle of the Church gives an impression of size and isolation. In the left foreground is a Cypress with curves that normally associated with mourning. It is painted in the same way as the sky with lines of fluid which improves the flow of the starry night of painting as well as easy on the eye.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
The sky of van Gogh painting Starry Night is full of whirling clouds, bright stars and a bright moon. The adjustment viewers can relate to and swirls sky will Gogh's viewer's directs the eye around the painting, with space between the stars and the contours curves creating an effect of point to point. These internal elements ensure fluidity and such contours were important for the artist despite were becoming less important for other Impressionists. So Night's starry composition was different from the nineteenth century impressionist art. The artist was aware that its composition starry night was somewhat surreal and stylized in a letter to his brother referred to the "exaggerations regarding the composition." The vivid style chosen by van Gogh was unusual - chose lines to describe this night scene when silhouettes would have been a more obvious choice. In Starry Night contoured shape is a means of expression and are used to convey emotions. Many feel that they Gogh's turbulent quest to overcome his illness is reflected in the dark night sky. The village is painted with dark colors but the lighted windows create a feeling of comfort. The village is quiet compared to the spectacular night sky and the silence of the night you can feel almost starry night. The bell tower dominates the village and symbolizes unity in the city. As for the composition, the steeple of the church gives an impression of size and isolation. In the left foreground is a cypress with curves typically associated with mourning. It is painted in the same way as the sky with flowing lines that improves the flow of the starry night painting, as well as its ease in the eye. ผลลัพธ์ (ภาษา สเปน) 2: The night sky of Van Gogh depicted in the painting Starry night is full of clouds rotating, bright stars, and a bright crescent moon. The scenario is one that viewers can relate to and van Gogh's sky swirling directs the viewer 's eye around the painting, with a separation between the stars and the curved contours that create an effect of point-to-point. These internal elements ensure fluidity and said contours were important to the artist although they are becoming less significant for the other Impressionists. Therefore the composition Starry Night was different from the 19th century impressionist art The artist was aware that its composition starry night was surreal and stylized in a letter to his brother who even referred to "exaggerations regarding their composition. " the living style of Van Gogh was chosen unusual - chose lines to portray this scene at night, when the silhouettes would have been a more obvious choice. In Starry Night contoured forms are a means of expression that are used to convey emotions. Many feel that van Gogh's turbulent quest to overcome his illness is reflected in the dark night sky. The village is painted with dark colors, but the lighted windows create a feeling of comfort. The village is quiet compared to the spectacular night sky and the silence of the night you can almost feel the starry night. The bell tower dominates the village and symbolizes unity in the city. In terms of composition, the needle of the church gives an impression of size and isolation. In the left foreground is a curved cypress normally associated with mourning. It is painted in the same way as the sky with fluid lines that improves the flow of Starry Night painting and ease in the eye.

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