Kathy es alta y rubia.Trabaja en un hotel enfrente de la oficina de Ca การแปล - Kathy es alta y rubia.Trabaja en un hotel enfrente de la oficina de Ca อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Kathy es alta y rubia.Trabaja en un

Kathy es alta y rubia.Trabaja en un hotel enfrente de la oficina de Carmady; vende cigarros(sells cigars). Fue policía pero perdió su trabajo cuando se casó con Jonny, un rufián (crook) que ahora está en la cárcel( in prison). Ella entra en la oficina de Carmady, detective privado (dick) y le pregunta si ha oído hablar de las perlas de Leander; él dice que no y ella le cuenta la historia: hace 20 años un tal Leander compró unas perlas(pearls) valoradas (worth) en 200000 dólares (200 grand) para su esposa. Pero un tipo llamado Wally Sype las robó de un furgón de correos ( a mail car ) . Lo cogieron y fue a la cárcel., pero no consiguieron el botín. Después de 15 años en la cárcel le ofrecieron el perdón si entregaba la mercancía . Lo entregó todo excepto las perlas; dijo que él no las tenía, le creyeron y lo soltaron. Pero en la cárcel un día Sype bebió demasiado y le contó a un tal Peeler Mardo que había escondido las perlas en Idaho. Peeler tiene una habitación alquilada en casa de Kathy; bebe demasiado y habla en sueños, así que Kathy se entera de algo y le pregunta . Él le dice que sabe donde vive Sype y que quiere ayuda para cobrar la recompensa( the reward ) de la compañía de seguros (insurance company) ,25 000 dollars. Kathy ofrece a Carmady la posibilidad de ayudar a Peeler a recuperar las perlas y le pide 1000 o 2000 dólares de la recompensa. Carmady le ofrece una tercera parte si lo logran. Parece ser que Sype vive en algún lugar del norte ; su esposa tiene dinero y él se dedica a cuidar peces (goldfish). Kathy le entrega a Carmady las llaves de su casa para que vaya a ver a Peeler.

Cuando Carmady llega a casa de Kathy llama a la puerta. Mientras espera ve pasar un Dodge gris con una chica dentro. La chica lo mira y hay otra persona en el coche pero él no se fija. Como nadie contesta a su llamada entra en la casa . Allí en una habitación encuentra a peeler Mardo muerto encima de una cama. Se fijó en sus pies primero porque estaban atados al final de la cama ( tied to the end of the bed) con una cuerda alrededor de los tobillos (a rope round the ankles). Tenía los pies quemados (his feet were burnt). Se los habían quemado con una plancha eléctrica (electric iron ) que estaba encendida todavía cuando entró. En la cama, a su lado estaban las cosas de su bolsillo, llaves, dinero….Sus brazos estaban atados a la cabecera de la cama con una cuerda (his arms were tied to the bedhead with a rope). Era un hombre pequeño, uno sesenta con el pelo castaño y grandes orejas. Carmady buscó agujeros de bala pero no los encontró; supuso que su corazón (heart) se había parado cuando le pusieron la plancha en los pies. Carmady limpió todo y dejó la habitación. Se dirigió al hotel donde trabajaba Kathy y le contó lo sucedido. Le dijo que si le habían sacado información estaban perdidos. L e dijo a Kathy que no contase nada a nadie acerca de las perlas o la recompensa. A fin de cuentas Peeler era un ex convicto (ex-convict) y su muerte no extrañaría.

Carmady se fue a la compañía de seguros y habló con el manager un tal Lutin. Le preguntó si todavía ofrecían 25 de los grandes como recompensa por recuperar las perlas. Lutin dijo que eran 20 pero que no valía la pena después de 20 años . Carmady le pidió ayuda y él se la negó pero cuando Carmady mencionó al muerto le dijo que adelante con la investigación.

Carmady regresó a su oficina y allí recibió una llamada telefónica; era una voz femenina .Le dijo que tenía que ver a un tal Rush Madder. Carmady le dijo que no lo conocía y le preguntó por qué debería verlo. La chica se rió y dijo que tenía que ver con un hombre al que le dolían los pies. Después colgó el teléfono( she put down the telephone ). Carmady sí que conocía a Rush; era un abogado( lawyer ) metido siempre en asuntos sucios(dirty business) pero no le creía capaz de matar a alguien.

Carmady fue al Quorn building donde Rush trabajaba en la oficina 619 . Éste, un tipo grande, de cara redonda, bigote negro ( black moustache) y dedos amarillos le abrió la puerta. Carmady no dijo ni palabra y Rush se puso nervioso; Carmady preguntó quién le había llamado y éste se hizo el sueco. Carmady cogió el teléfono y marcó el número de la policía(got the telephone and began to pu the police number). Rush le cogió el teléfono y lo colgó rapidamente y Carmady le recordó que una mujer que le conocía le había hablado de alguien a quien le dolían los pies. Rush le dijo que esa mujer era su amiga Carol Donovan, quien le había visto salir de la casa de Peeler y que sabía que no había llamado a la policía. Le dijo que ella había conocido a Peeler una noche y que éste borracho le había hablado de las perlas y de un tipo que las tenía arriba en el norte.(up in the north)

Rush le dijo a Carmady que no se fiaba de Carol que era una mujer muy fría y dura , le ofreció un wisky y Carmady aceptó; le preguntó si quería agua con el wisky y Carmady dijo que no ; Rush se levantó y fue hacia un lavabo (washbowl) para poner agua en el suyo. Cuando Carmady probó su wisky se dio cuenta de que( he realized ) había cometido 4 errores ( he had made 4 mistakes). Primero aceptar ayudar a Kathy, segundo seguir en el asunto después del cadáver, tercero Rush Madder y cuarto el whisky. Se dio cuenta de que había puesto algo en su wisky. Sacó su pistola del bolsillo (he pulled the gun out of his pocket) ,se levantó (stood up) y golpeó con ella a Rush ( hit him ). Cuando este intentó levantarse lo golpeó de nuevo y Rush se cayó al suelo( fell to the floor). Sintiéndose mareado y somnoliento ( sick and sleepy) fue hacia la puerta para poner una silla contra ella y mantenerla cerrada (to keep it shut). De repente se abrió la puerta del armario (closet) y una chica muy guapa salió y le apuntó con una pistola (pointed a gun at him). Llevaba un elegante traje azul( she was wearing a smart blue suit) y un sombrero azul. Tenía el pelo negro y brillante y ojos grises y fríos. Golpeó a Carmady con su propia pistola( she hit Carmady with his own gun) . Cuando Carmady despertó era de noche , se mojó la cara y se fue a su casa. Se cambió de ropa, hizo la maleta ( packed a bag) tomó whiskey y contestó al teléfono. Era Kathy. Cathy le preguntó si todavía no se había ido. Él le preguntó adónde se tenía que ir y ella le dijo que su chica le había dicho…………Carol se había hecho pasar por la chica de Carmady para pedir información a Kathy, y ésta les había mencionado una ciudad del norte. Carmady cogió un vuelo nocturno hacia el norte.

Una vez en Olimpia´, Carmady salió del hotel y paseando por el pueblo preguntó a unos viejos si conocían a alguien que cuidaba peces. Entró en un bar y pidió un whisky; preguntó al camarero si conocía a alguien que cuidaba peces; dijo que era nuevo en la ciudad y que buscaba peces para poner en su ventana. Había un hombre de nariz larga (a long nose man )jugando al billar (playing pools) que se acercó a la barra y pidió un whiskey; le preguntó a Carmady qué tal estaba Peeler y si todavía bebía mucho ; Carmady le dijo que sí y le preguntó su nombre. El hombre dijo que se llamaba Sun

set. Carmady dijo que él era Dodge Willis, El Paso.

Se fueron al hotel de Carmady y Sunset preguntó por qué Peeler no había ido y quien era él realmente Carmady le contó la verdad acerca de la muerte de Peeler. Éste no le creyó y sacó una pistola; Carmady entonces le habló de Carol y de Rush y le dijo que si ellos encontraban antes a Sype se quedarían sin recompensa. Por fin Sunset aceptó la oferta de dividir en tres partes la recompensa( Sunset, Carmady y Kathy) y le dijo que Sype estaba en Westport.. Cuando se disponían a salir alguien llamó a la puerta. Sunset se escondió detrás de ella( hid behind it) y Carmady abrió. Rush Madder y Carol entraron apuntando a Carmady con la pistola. Carmady entró de espaldas despacio en la habitación (backed slowly) pero tropezó con su bolsa y se cayó (he fell over his bag). Sunset dijo manos arriba pero nadie tiró las pistolas; Carol le dijo a Rush que cerrase la puerta de golpe (slam the door¡) y Carmady se dio cuenta enseguida de que ella dispararía en ese mismo momento para que nadie lo oyese. Carmady agarró a la chica por el tobillo (pulled her ankle) y la pistola se disparó. Nadie fue herido y la chica dijo que había suficiente dinero en la recompensa para los cuatro; todos estuvieron de acuerdo y decidieron ir a casa de Sunset a tomar una copa. Salieron del hotel como cuatro amigos y cogieron un taxi. Llegaron a la casa de Sunset y subieron al segundo piso. Entraron en una habitación y Sunset fue a la cocina a buscar una botella de whiskey y cuatro vasos; les sirvió el wiskey y sacó la pistola.- “así que le quemáis los pies a un hombre para hacerle hablar y luego entráiss en la casa de su amigo”-dijo Sunset

La chica preguntó qué les iba a hacer. Sunset dijo que los ataría con una cuerda, que luego iría a buscar las perlas y después los mataría.Cuando Carmady se dirigía a coger una cuerda Madder se desmayó(fainted). Eso hizo que Sunset saltar (jumped) y su pistola apuntó hacia Madder. En ese momento Carol le disparó y cayó muerto .Carmady dio una patada a la silla (kicked the girl´s chair )donde estaba sentada la chica antes de que ésta pudiera reaccionar y dispararle a él. La encerró en el cuarto de baño( he locked her in the bathroom) , cogiió el coche de Sunset y se dirigió a casa de Sype en Westport. Una vez allí entró a comer en un bar(ham and eggs) y dijo que compraba peces. El dueño del bar le dijo que un tal mister wallace que vivía en una casa amarilla y blanca en lo alto de una colina tenía muchos peces. Pagó la cuenta y se dirigió a la casa. En el jardín de la casa una mujer estaba cortando flores. Le dijo que su marido estaba arriba. Cuando subió encontró una habitación llena de tanques de agua con todo tipo de peces (FISH TANKS). Un hombre alto y delgado estaba de pie al lado de una mesa de madera (wooden table). Estaba cortandole los hongos (white fungus) a un pez con un cuchil
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Kathy is tall and blonde.He works in a hotel opposite the office of Carmady; sells cigars (sells cigars). It was police but he lost his job when married to Jonny, a ruffian (crook), who is now in jail (in prison). She enters the office of Carmady, private detective (dick) and asks him if he has heard of pearls of Leander; He says no and she tells the story: 20 years ago such a Leander bought some pearls (pearls) valued (worth) 200000 dollars (200 grand) for his wife. But a guy named Wally Sype robbed them of a van of e (a mail car). Caught it and went to jail., but they did not get the loot. After 15 years in prison he was offered forgiveness if it delivered the goods. It delivered everything except the pearls; He said that he did not have them, they believed him and released him. But in jail one day Skype drank too much and told one such Peeler Mardo that he had hidden the pearls in Idaho. Peeler has a room rented in casa de Kathy; he drinks too much and spoke in dreams, so Kathy learns something and asks. He says that he knows where you live Skype and wants to help to collect the reward (the reward) of the Compañía de seguros (insurance company), 25 000 dollars. Kathy Carmady offers the possibility of helping Peeler to retrieve the pearls and asks 1000 or 2000 dollars reward. Carmady offers a third party if they succeed. It seems that Skype lives somewhere in the North; his wife has money and he dedicates himself to care for fish (goldfish). Kathy gives to Carmady the keys to your House so that you go to see a Peeler. When Carmady comes home from Kathy knocks at the door. While waiting watching passing a gray Dodge with a girl inside. The girl looks at him and there is another person in the car, but it is not fixed. As nobody answers your call comes into the House. There in a room it is a peeler, Mardo, dead on a bed. You set on your feet first because they were tied at the end of the bed (tied to the end of the bed) with a rope around the ankles (a rope round the ankles). It had burned feet (his feet were burnt). They had burned with an electric iron (electric iron) that was still when he came on. On the bed, beside her were the things of your wallet, keys, money... his arms were bound to the headboard with a rope (his arms were tied to the bedhead with a rope). He was a small man, one sixty with brown hair and large ears. Carmady sought bullet holes but did not find them; It meant that his heart (heart) had stopped when they put the iron on the feet. Carmady cleaned everything and left the room. He went to the hotel where Kathy worked and told him what happened. He told him that if they had taken information were lost. L e told Kathy that not it contase nothing to anyone about pearls or the reward. In the end, Peeler was a former convict (ex-convict) and his death would not surprise.Carmady went to the insurance company and spoke to manager such a Lutin. Asked if they still offered 25 of the great as a reward for recovering the pearls. LUTIN said that they were 20, but that it was not worth after 20 years. Carmady asked him for help and he refused it, but when Carmady mentioned the dead said that along with the investigation. Carmady returned to his office and there received a phone call; It was a female voice.He told him that he had to do to such a Rush Madder. Carmady told him that he did not know him and asked him why you should see it. The girl laughed and said that it had to do with a man that hurt your feet. Then he hung up the phone (she put down the telephone). Carmady knew that Rush; It was an attorney (lawyer) always got in dirty Affairs (dirty business) but I did not believe him capable of killing someone. Carmady went to the Quorn building where Rush was working in the office, 619. This one, a large, round face, black mustache (black moustache) type and yellow fingers opened the door for him. Carmady not a word mentioned and Rush was nervous; Carmady asked who had called him and it became Swedish. Carmady grabbed the phone and marked the number of police (got the telephone and began to pu the police number). Rush took his phone and quickly hung it and Carmady reminded him that a woman who knew him had spoken you of someone who hurt the foot. Rush told him that this woman was her friend Carol Donovan, who had seen him leave the House of Peeler and I knew that he had not called the police. She told him that she had met Peeler one night and this drunk had spoken you of pearls and a type that had them up in the North.(up in the north) Rush told Carmady not you trust Carol who was a very cold and tough woman, offered him a wisky and Carmady accepted; He asked if I wanted water with whisky and Carmady said that no; Rush got up and went to a sink (washbowl) to put water in his. When Carmady proved his whisky he account that (he realized) had committed 4 errors (he had made 4 mistakes). First accept help Kathy, second follow on the matter after the corpse, third Rush Madder and fourth whiskey. He realized that had put something in his whisky. He pulled out his gun in his pocket (he pulled the gun out of his pocket), rose (stood up) and struck with her Rush (hit him). When it tried to get up, hit it again and Rush fell to the ground (fell to the floor). Feeling dizzy and drowsy (sick and sleepy) was to the door to get a Chair against it and keep it closed (to keep it shut). Suddenly opened the door of the Wardrobe (closet) and a very pretty girl came out and pointed a gun (pointed a gun at him). He wore an elegant blue suit (she was wearing a smart blue suit) and a blue hat. I had the black and bright hair and eyes grey and cold. Carmady hit with his own gun (she hit Carmady with his own gun). When Carmady woke up it was night, face got wet and went to his house. He changed clothes, did the suitcase (packed bag) took whiskey and answered the phone. It was Kathy. Cathy asked if still not had gone. He asked where they had to go and she told him that his girl had told him...Carol had made through Carmady girl to seek information to Kathy, and this had mentioned them a city of the North. Carmady caught a night flight to the North. Once in Olimpia´, Carmady came out of the hotel and walking around the village asked a few old if they knew someone who took care of fish. He entered a bar and asked for a whiskey; He asked the waiter if he knew someone who took care of fish; He said he was new in town and I was looking for fish to put in your window. There was a man of long nose (a long nose man) playing (playing pool) pool that came up to the bar and asked for a whiskey; asked Carmady what such was Peeler and if still drank much; Carmady said yes and asked him his name. The man said that his name was Sunset. Carmady said he was Dodge Willis, El Paso.Se fueron al hotel de Carmady y Sunset preguntó por qué Peeler no había ido y quien era él realmente Carmady le contó la verdad acerca de la muerte de Peeler. Éste no le creyó y sacó una pistola; Carmady entonces le habló de Carol y de Rush y le dijo que si ellos encontraban antes a Sype se quedarían sin recompensa. Por fin Sunset aceptó la oferta de dividir en tres partes la recompensa( Sunset, Carmady y Kathy) y le dijo que Sype estaba en Westport.. Cuando se disponían a salir alguien llamó a la puerta. Sunset se escondió detrás de ella( hid behind it) y Carmady abrió. Rush Madder y Carol entraron apuntando a Carmady con la pistola. Carmady entró de espaldas despacio en la habitación (backed slowly) pero tropezó con su bolsa y se cayó (he fell over his bag). Sunset dijo manos arriba pero nadie tiró las pistolas; Carol le dijo a Rush que cerrase la puerta de golpe (slam the door¡) y Carmady se dio cuenta enseguida de que ella dispararía en ese mismo momento para que nadie lo oyese. Carmady agarró a la chica por el tobillo (pulled her ankle) y la pistola se disparó. Nadie fue herido y la chica dijo que había suficiente dinero en la recompensa para los cuatro; todos estuvieron de acuerdo y decidieron ir a casa de Sunset a tomar una copa. Salieron del hotel como cuatro amigos y cogieron un taxi. Llegaron a la casa de Sunset y subieron al segundo piso. Entraron en una habitación y Sunset fue a la cocina a buscar una botella de whiskey y cuatro vasos; les sirvió el wiskey y sacó la pistola.- “así que le quemáis los pies a un hombre para hacerle hablar y luego entráiss en la casa de su amigo”-dijo Sunset The girl asked what them to do. Sunset said that it would tie them with string, which then would search pearls and then kill them.When Carmady was heading to catch a rope Madder fainted (fainted). That blew up to Sunset (Tan) and his gun pointed to Madder. At that time Carol shot and fell dead.Carmady kicked the Chair (kicked the girl´s chair) where the girl was sitting until it could react and shoot it. Locked it in the bathroom (he locked her in the bathroom), cogiio Sunset car and headed home from Skype in Westport. Once there came to eat in a bar(ham and eggs) and said it was buying fish. The owner of the bar told her that such a mister wallace who lived in a yellow and White House perched on a Hill had many fish. He paid the Bill and headed to the House. In the garden of the House, a woman was cutting flowers. He told her that her husband was up. When he came up he found a room full of water tanks with all kinds of fish (FISH TANKS). A tall, thin man was standing next to a table of wood (wooden table). Was furriness fungi (white fungus) a fish with a blade
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Kathy is high and rubia.Trabaja in a hotel front office Carmady; sells cigars (sells cigars). It was police but lost her job when she married Jonny, a ruffian (crook) who is now in prison (in prison). She enters the office Carmady private detective (dick) and asks if he has heard of Leander pearls; he says no and she tells him the story: 20 years ago a man named Leander bought some pearls (pearls) valued (worth) to $ 200,000 (200 grand) for his wife. But a guy named Wally Sype stole a van post (a mail car). He was caught and went to jail., But did not get the loot. After 15 years in prison he was offered pardon if the goods delivered. We gave everything except the beads; said he did not have them, believed him and released him. But one day in jail Sype drank too much and told one such Peeler Mardo he had hidden pearls in Idaho. Peeler has a rented room at Kathy; drinks too much and talks in his sleep, so Kathy learns something and asks. He tells her he knows where Sype lives and wants to help collect the reward (the reward) of the insurer (insurance company), 25,000 dollars. Kathy Carmady offers the possibility to help recover Peeler pearls and asks 1,000 or $ 2,000 reward. Carmady offers a third if they succeed. It seems that Sype lives somewhere north; his wife has money and he is dedicated to caring fish (goldfish). Kathy gives to Carmady the keys to your house to go to see Peeler. When Carmady comes home from Kathy knocks. While waiting go have a gray Dodge with a girl inside. The girl looks at him and no other person in the car but he is not fixed. Since no one answers your call comes into the house. There in a room located peeler Mardo dead on a bed. He noticed her feet first because they were tied at the end of the bed (tied to the end of the bed) with a rope around the ankles (a rope round the ankles). Her burned feet (his feet Were burnt). They were burned with an electric iron (electric iron) which was still burning when he entered. In bed beside him were things of pocket, keys, money ... .Its arms were tied to the headboard with a rope (his arms to the bedhead Were tied with a rope). He was a small man, one sixty with brown hair and large ears. Carmady bullet holes sought but not found; assumed that his heart (heart) had stopped when he put the plate on the feet. Carmady cleaned up and left the room. He went to the hotel where he worked Kathy and told him what happened. He said that if he had taken information were lost. L and told Kathy that did not have anything to anyone about pearls or reward. After all Peeler was an ex-con (ex-convict) and his death would not surprise. Carmady went to the insurance company and spoke to the manager a certain Lutin. He asked if they still offered 25 grand reward for recovering the beads. Lutin said they were 20 but not worth after 20 years. Carmady asked for help and he denied it but when Carmady mention the dead told to proceed with the investigation. Carmady returned to his office where he received a telephone call; It was a female voice said .We had to see such a Rush Madder. Carmady said he did not know him and asked him why he should see. The girl laughed and said it had to do with a man her feet hurt. Then he hung up the phone (she put down the telephone). Carmady did know Rush; was an attorney (lawyer) always into dirty business (dirty business) but did not think he could kill someone. Carmady went to Quorn building where he worked in the office Rush 619. This one, a big guy with a round face, black mustache (black mustache) and yellow fingers opened the door. Carmady not said a word and Rush was nervous; Carmady asked who had called him and he was Swedish. Carmady picked up the phone and dialed the police (got the telephone and Began to pu the police number). Rush grabbed the phone and hung up quickly and Carmady reminded him that a woman who knew he had spoken to someone her feet hurt. Rush said that the woman was her friend Carol Donovan, who had seen him leave the house Peeler and knew he had not called the police. She said she had met Peeler one night and that he had spoken drunk pearls and of a type that was up in the north. (Up in the north) Rush told Carmady that Carol did not trust that It was a very cold, hard woman, offered him a whiskey and Carmady accepted; He asked if she wanted water with whiskey and Carmady said no; Rush got up and went to a sink (washbowl) to put water in his. When Carmady proved his whiskey realized that (I Realized) had committed 4 errors (I HAD made ​​four mistakes). First accept help Kathy second followed in the matter after the corpse, third and fourth Rush Madder whiskey. He realized that he had put something in his whiskey was given. He drew his pistol from his pocket (I pulled the gun out of His pocket), rose (stood up) and hit her at Rush (hit him). When he tried to hit him up again and fell to the ground Rush (fell to the floor). Feeling dizzy and drowsy (sick and sleepy) went to the door to put a chair against it and keep it closed (to keep it shut). Suddenly the door of the closet (closet) opened and a very pretty girl came out and pointed a gun (pointed a gun at him). Wearing an elegant blue dress (she was wearing a smart blue suit) and a blue hat. Her shiny black hair and cold gray eyes. He hit Carmady with his own gun (she hit Carmady With His own gun). When Carmady woke up it was dark, wet face and went home. He changed clothes, took the suitcase (packed a bag) took whiskey and answered the phone. Was Kathy. Cathy asked if he had not gone. He asked him where he had to go and she told him that his girlfriend had told him ............ Carol had been passed by the girl Carmady for information to Kathy, and she had mentioned a northern city. Carmady took an overnight flight north. Once Olimpia', Carmady left the hotel and walking around the village asked some old if they knew anyone who cared fish. He went into a bar and ordered a whiskey; asked the waiter if he knew anyone who cared fish; said he was new in town and looking fish to put in your window. There was a man with a long nose (a long nose man) playing pool (playing pools) who came to the bar and ordered a whiskey; he asked how she was Carmady Peeler and if you still drinking heavily; Carmady said yes and asked her name. The man said his name was Sun set. Carmady said he was Dodge Willis, El Paso. They went to the hotel and Sunset Carmady Peeler asked why he had not gone and who was he really Carmady told the truth about the death of Peeler. This did not believe him and pulled a gun; Carmady then spoke to Carol and Rush and said that if they were prior to Sype would remain unrewarded. Sunset finally accepted the offer to divide into three parts the reward (Sunset, Carmady and Kathy) and said he was in Westport Sype .. they were about to go knock on the door. Sunset hid behind her (hid behind it) and Carmady opened. Madder and Carol Rush entered Carmady pointing to the gun. Carmady came in slowly back into the room (backed slowly) but tripped over his bag and fell (I fell over His bag). Sunset said hands up but nobody pulled guns; Carol Rush told to shut the door shut (slam the door¡) and Carmady quickly realized that she'd shoot right then so nobody hear. Carmady grabbed the girl by the ankle (pulled her ankle) and the gun went off. No one was injured and the girl said she had enough money in reward for the four; all agreed and decided to go home to Sunset for a drink. They left the hotel as four friends and caught a taxi. They came to the house of Sunset and went upstairs. They entered a room and Sunset went to the kitchen to get a bottle of whiskey and four glasses; He served them whiskey and took the PISTOL "so you burn your feet will a man to make him talk and then entráiss in the house of his friend," said Sunset The girl asked what they would do. Sunset said would tie a rope, then go find the pearls and then Carmady mataría.Cuando headed to catch a rope Madder (fainted) fainted. That made ​​Sunset jump (Jumped) and his gun pointed at Madder. At that time Carol shot and fell dead .Carmady kicked the chair (chair kicked the girl's) where sat the girl before she could react and shoot him. He locked himself in the bathroom (I locked her in the bathroom), Sunset cogiió car and headed home from Sype in Westport. Once there he went to eat at a bar (ham and eggs) and said it was buying fish. The bar owner told him that a certain mister wallace who lived in a yellow and white house on top of a hill had many fish. He paid the bill and headed home. In the garden of the house a woman was cutting flowers. She said her husband was upstairs. When he went he found a room full of water tanks with all kinds of fish (FISH TANKS). A tall, thin man stood beside a wooden table (wooden table). He was cutting the mushrooms (white fungus) to a fish with a Cuchil

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Kathy is tall and blonde. She works in a hotel across from the Office of carmady; sells cigarettes (sells cigars). It was police but lost his job when he married Jonny, a thug (crook) who is now in prison (in prison). She is in the Office of carmady, private detective (Dick) and asks if he has heard of the pearls of Leander; he and she tells the story:20 years ago a Leander bought pearls (pearls) valued at $200000 (worth) (200 grand for his wife. But a guy named Wally Sype stole a truck of the mail (mail car). He was caught and was a pig, but I got the loot. After 15 years in jail he was offered pardon if he delivers the goods. I gave everything except pearls;He said that he had believed him, and he was released. But in prison one day Sype drank too much and told a peeler Mardo had hidden pearls in Idaho. Peeler has rented a room at home, Kathy; drinks too much and spoke in dreams, so Kathy learns something and asks.He says he knows where he lives Sype and wants to help to collect the reward (the reward) of the insurer (insurance company), 25 000 dollars. Kathy offers the possibility of carmady peeler to help recover the pearls and asks 1000 or 2000 dollars reward. Carmady offers a third party if they succeed. It seems that Sype lives somewhere in the north;His wife's money and he is dedicated to caring for fish (goldfish). Carmady Kathy handed the keys to his house to go see peeler.

when carmady comes home from Kathy's at the door. While waiting to see a Dodge gray with a girl inside. The girl look and there's another person in the car but it is not fixed. As no answer to his call enters the house.There in a room located above a bed of dead husband peeler. Is set at first because his feet were tied at the end of the bed (tied to the end of the bed with a rope around the ankles (a rope round the ankles). His feet burned (his feet were burnt). It had burned with electric iron electric iron) was still when he came on.In the bed next to her things were out of his pocket, keys, money.... their arms were tied to the headboard with a rope (his arms were tied to the bedhead with rope). He was a small man, one sixty with brown hair and big ears. Carmady sought but not found bullet holes;Was that your heart (heart) had stopped when they put the iron on the feet. Carmady cleaned up everything and left the room, went to the hotel where he worked and Kathy told him what happened. He said that if I had information were lost. L e told Kathy not tell anyone anything about pearls or reward.Finally, peeler was an ex convict (ex convict) and his death not miss.

carmady went to the insurance company and talked with the manager a Lutin. Asked if he still had 25 grand reward for retrieving pearls. Lutin said it was worth 20 but not after 20 years.Carmady asked him for help and he refused, but when carmady mentioned the dead told him to proceed with the investigation.

carmady returned to his office and there was a telephone call; it was a female voice. He said he had to see a rush madder. Carmady told him that I knew and asked why should see.The girl laughed and said that I had to do with a man who hurt the feet. After he hung up the phone, she put down the telephone). I knew carmady rush; it was a barrister (lawyer) involved in dirty (dirty business) but I didn't believe him capable of murder.

carmady Quorn was to rush worked in the office building where 619. This, a big, round face,Black Moustache Mustache) and yellow fingers opened the door. Carmady didn't say word and rush got nervous; carmady asked who had called him and he was the Swedish. Carmady picked up the phone and dialed the number of the police (got the telephone and began to Pu the police number).Rush I picked up the phone and quickly hung and carmady reminded him that a woman he knew he had spoken to someone who hurt the feet. Rush said that woman was his girlfriend Carol Donovan, who had been out of the house of peeler and I had called the police.She said that she had met a drunken night peeler and that he had spoken of pearls and a guy that was up in the north. (up in the North)

rush told carmady not trust Carol was a very cold and hard, I offered a wisky and asked if I wanted carmady accepted; the Scotch and water carmady said no;Rush up and went towards a sink (washbowl) to put water in it. When carmady proved his whisky realized that (I realized (4) had committed mistakes I had made four mistakes). First accept help Kathy, second in the case after the body, third and fourth whisky rush madder. He realized that there was something in his whisky.He pulled out his gun out of pocket (I pulled the gun out of his pocket), Rose (stood up and hit me with her to rush (hit him). When he tried to get up again and hit rush fell to the ground, fell to the floor). Feeling dizzy or drowsy (sick and sleepy) went towards the door to put a chair against it and keep it closed (to keep it shut.Suddenly the door opened the closet (closet) and a pretty girl came and pointed a gun (pointed a gun at him. He wore a blue suit she was wearing a smart blue suit and a blue hat. He had black hair and grey eyes and bright and cold. Hit carmady with his own gun, she hit carmady with his own gun). When carmady woke up it was night,Wet the face and went home. Changed clothes, packed, packed a bag and took whiskey) answered the phone. Was Kathy. Cathy asked if had not yet gone. He asked where she was going and she said the girl had told Carol had impersonated..... The girl to ask for information carmady Kathy,And it had mentioned a city to the north. Carmady took a night flight to the north.

once in olimpia´, carmady left the hotel and walking through the old people asked if I was fish. Walked into a bar and asked for a whiskey; asked the waiter if I knew someone who cared fish;He said that he was new in town and looking for fish to put in your window. There was a man with long nose, long nose man playing billiards (playing pools) that came to the bar and asked for a whiskey; asked what was carmady peeler and if still drank a lot; carmady said yes and asked his name. The man said his name was sun

set.He said that he was carmady Dodge Willis, El Paso.

went to the hotel and asked why carmady sunset peeler had not gone and who he really was carmady told the truth about the death of Peeler. I believed him and pulled out a gun; carmady then spoke of Carol and rush and told that if they were to Sype would be without reward.Sunset finally accepted the offer and divide into three parts the reward (sunset, carmady and Kathy) and said that Sype was in Westport. When preparing to leave someone knocked at the door. Sunset hid behind her (hid behind it) and carmady opened. Rush madder and Carol went to carmady pointing the gun.Carmady came back slowly into the room (backed slowly) with his bag but tripped and fell, I fell over his bag). Sunset said hands up but nobody pulled guns; Carol told rush to close the door slam (slam the door) and carmady realized at once that she'd shoot at the same time for anyone to hear.Carmady grabbed the girl by the ankle (pulled her ankle) and the gun is fired. Nobody was injured and the girl said she had enough money in reward for the four; all agreed and decided to go home to take a cup of sunset. Four friends left the hotel and took a taxi. Came to the house of sunset and climbed to the second floor.
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